Top line summary

  • Felt 'emotional' getting back on the pitch
  • Manager led a dressing room applause afterwards
  • 'Can't thank club enough' for support
  • Determined to play a role in the remainder of the season

Chris Cadden spoke to the media after making his first Hibs appearance since May 2023 in the Scottish Cup win over Inverness Caledonian Thistle. Here's everything he had to say...

How did that feel?

“It’s been a long eight months, but just delighted to be back out there. It felt as good as I thought it would. The manager told me just to relax, be calm, and enjoy myself, which I what I tried to do. It’s been a really up and down eight months – I’ve been through it, and it’s great to be back.

The manager said you got an ovation in the dressing room afterwards?

“It was good, a little bit emotional. It’s been a long time but the gaffer made a point of saying well done and leading a round of applause. I can’t thank the club enough for how they’ve been with me. From top to bottom – the manager, the boys have been almost as buzzing as me with every single step I’ve taken. The physio Gav Dempsey, I need to give a shout out to, Kieran Duffy, those boys have been tremendous with me. They’ve been there on my bad days and good days. The gaffer making a point do to that, as well, it was nice."

How important is that, to know your team-mates have your back?

“Definitely. Of course, there are dark days but those boys get you through. It was more that every step was big for me – getting out my boot, starting to learn how to walk again, then getting on the pitch and seeing how buzzing they all were for me. The day after that everybody came up to me and said well done.

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"It means the world to me. It’s like a family in there, we really are all very close. They’ve got me through it. They saw me when I was down and picked me up. It’s nice how appreciate they all were.

What was the hardest moment of your recovery?

“The worst moment was in the boot. Those first few weeks were a really tough time, stuck in the house, foot up and can’t move or walk. I’m an active guy but I couldn’t even make myself a cup of coffee. I was relying on my missus to run about for me – it’s nice for the first day or so before you want to be up being independent. That was a tough time, feeling sorry for myself and asking ‘why did this happen to me?’ You’ve just got to get on with it, and work as hard as you possibly can to get back where you were. Hopefully I start reaping the benefits of that work."

And was today the best day?

“This is a real high. I was still nervous even though the game was almost done – my heart was going. You do miss the pre-match nerves and adrenaline."

How frustrating is it when a new manager comes and you want to impress, but can't do anything?

“It’s tough. There’s been a lot of change at the club since my last game. The new manager has been great. On his second day, he pulled me and asked me how I was doing. At every single step, he’s been great with me and today was brilliant. I can’t ask for any more from him. But it is frustrating when you just want to impress and show what you can do. That’s my job now."

You were seeing a specialist in Leicester, you won't miss those journeys...

“No, no, no! The train got cancelled that day and it was six hours drive down, and six hours back. That’s the kind of thing the physio did for me just to make sure I got to see the specialist. I can’t thank him enough.

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"That was one of the good moments when they said everything was healing well because you never know after surgery. He was really happy with it and that gave me the confidence to kick on."

The manager said your return was being carefully progressed, but how strong is that urge just to be going full tilt?

“I know and that’s what I need to remember, because I’ll just want to go and play minutes now I’m back. But you have to realise you’ve been out for eight months “The manager has been great that way, as well, he’s not put any pressure on me. It’s not been ‘we need you back’, it’s like ‘whenever you feel ready’. Hopefully I can get more minutes and help the boys for the rest of the season."