Top line summary

  • Thrilled to make first start since May 2023
  • 'No idea' on both red cards
  • 'Everyone's thoughts' with Martin Boyle

Your first start since May 2023 - was that a big milestone for you?

"For me personally, it was great to get back out - it's been a long old journey, just over nine months, so personally it was great for me. It was my first start and first 90 minutes, I didn't think I would go that long. The first start was the milestone, the one where I felt I'd be truly back. I'd come on a couple of times but I'd always said that my first start is the real one for me being back. It didn't end the way I wanted it to, but on a personal note it is good to be back out there. I've been working really hard so hopefully it all pays off."

It was quite a game to make that start in...

"It was madness, to be honest. The first half was eeksie-peeksie, and in the second half I thought we came out really well. And then obviously the red cards change the game and it's hard to come back from there."

What was your view on the red cards?

"They were on the other side of the pitch so I didn't see Jordan's at all. I half-saw Nathan's one... I don't know, I genuinely need to see them back, I have no idea about them."

At that moment were you looking more likely to get an equaliser?

"Aye I felt so, with the way we started [the second half]. The first half was a bit frustrating, we didn't show our best version of ourselves, we didn't really relax on the ball. It was a bit hectic for us, but in the second half, we calmed down and played forward, and I got in the game a little bit more. I thought it was there for us in the second half to go and win the game."

How concerning was it to see Martin Boyle go down like that?

"That's where everybody's thoughts are just now. I think they are waiting for the results of the scans in hospital. That's the main priority right now, just make sure he's okay. It's not nice seeing your mate lying down like that, so fingers crossed. At half-time you are trying to get your head together because you have a game of football to play, but first and foremost our thoughts are with Martin, obviously.

READ MORE: Nick Montgomery speaks on Boyle, cup exit, and red cards

"We were told he was away to hospital. I've worked with them, the doctor and the physio staff at Hibs are brilliant, so I know he's under the best care, so fingers crossed he's all good. We asked at half time and they didn't really know, they're just waiting for an update."

How were Obita and Moriah-Welsh after the game?

"I won't say what happens in the changing room but we stick together. There's a good group in there. Whatever happens, it's never anyone else's fault. We win together, we lose together, that's the sort of morale the gaffer's got. What happened in the changing room is what it is, but it's a real close-knit bunch of boys in there. We'll stick together and we've got a big end to the season."