Top line summary

  • Found it difficult being around HTC but not involved.
  • Felt important to show new boys what he can do.
  • Confidence high ahead of Ibrox
  • Appreciating every moment after so long out.

How did you spend the break?

“I went to sunny Motherwell during the break. I had a wee trip to the best place in the world! It was good to get the weekend off, good to get rested. Especially for me, having played three games in the previous week, it was good to get my feet up and chill."

It was a heavy schedule before the break - how did you feel?

“Do you know what? I’ve actually felt really good. Playing the Rangers game, with everything that happened, it was over 100 minutes. I think doing that was a first tick in the box, my first start and going for 100 minutes, that felt great. I just had a little bit of a tight hammy after about 65, 66 minutes of the Livi game, which is why I came off. But I’ve felt really good. The physio staff here have been unbelievable. And I’ve ticked every single box. I’ve not really felt like I’m lacking anything in terms of physical fitness. So it was good to get three games in a week, to emphasise that."

Were those three games in a week psychologically important? Did it feel like 'I'm back now'?

“I think that was a big thing. Ross County away, Rangers in the Cup, they were big games with a lot of nerves. So just to get through those, to feel like I was back, to then play against Livi and get the win, it was good. I feel like I’m back, feel like I’m part of it. When you get a win on the Saturday, it helps you feel as if you’re back involved in something positive."

Is it hard to feel part of it when you’re not contributing, and to get to know the new players?

“Aye, it does make it hard to get to know folk, when you’re not training. That’s probably the hardest thing about being injured, especially with all the changes at the club. That was probably the first time a lot of the boys had played with me, two weeks ago. I came into training and, to them, I was just a guy who has been floating around the training ground for nine months! They suddenly realised that this guy is an actual football player! So it was nice to play and show a bit of what I’m about, a little bit."

People talk about coming back and wanting to impress the manager, but is it the game with new team-mates, too?

“Aye, exactly. You’ve got to come in and show everybody, players and coaches, what you can do. When the manager first came in, I think I was in every meeting. He was probably sitting there thinking: ‘Have you not got any rehab to do?’ I was in those meetings because I wanted to learn as much as I could, take in as much as possible, so it could be seamless when I did get thrown in. But the boys hadn’t seen me play. Because of the changes, it was nice to play with a lot of the new boys, having watched them. I knew what they were about. I think they know what I’m about now. I think so. I’m doing the best I can. Hopefully they can see I like a wee overlap or two!"

Did you have any 'two left feet' moments when you first came back in?

“They were all right. I was training a lot with the young boys and doing a lot myself. Once you get thrown back into first team training, you go: ‘Wow! This is quick.’ It’s just about getting up to speed. It only took a couple of weeks until I felt I was doing all right. But there were a couple of times when I was thinking: ‘Wow, this is quick, I need to get back up there. It’s such a good level in training. The standard of player is really, really up there. So you need to be able to deal with it. I think I adapted well."

Do you think the standard has gone up a level?

“The recruitment has been really good and the new boys have made an impact. That’s what the gaffer said when he was looking to bring new players in, he wanted them to make an impact in the first 11. Myz, Emiliano, even Alfie against Livingston, the boys have done really well. Nathan and Nectar in the middle of the park too. The standard has been great and it’s good to come in to that quality of player and play with these guys.”

Is that why it was important to be part of those team meetings, to see what was changing?

“I think so. Also with the way the gaffer wants to play. There was a lot of change and a lot of meetings to prepare us. It was good to come in and look and review games. To see what he’s wanting people to do and where it’s sometimes going wrong. There’s not really any reason why I shouldn’t be in trying to learn as much as possible. I can’t be on the grass but I can try to study as much as I can in here so I can adapt.”

Rangers tomorrow, it's now nine games for Hibs without beating them...

“Is that how long it is? Listen, it is what it is. We are only focusing on tomorrow, those games are gone. We hope to get a good result, we feel we are playing well and in a good moment, We need to know the quality we’ve got and have belief we can go there and get a result.”

READ MORE: Every word from Nick Montgomery Hibs Q&A ahead of Rangers

What makes the difference in these games?

“We need to be brave on the ball, play our own way and don’t get dragged into the atmosphere and occasion. Ibrox is a good place to play but it’s tough as well with the fans and the big stadium. Be brave, take the ball under pressure even if it’s uncomfortable. Pass forward and do what you can do from what we have worked on all week. Hopefully that will work.”

Do you enjoy those days with pretty much the whole stadium against you?

“Yeah, these are the games you work so hard in the gym for. Ibrox, big occasion and I’m looking forward to it. These are the games I’ve grafted for nine months for. The main thing is to go and enjoy it and give the best version of yourself that you can.”

Having worked so hard, do you take more time to appreciate these days now?

“That’s one thing I have got since I got back. How much I have missed it. It’s easy to get dragged into moaning about what’s happened and not been done right but I appreciate we have the best job in the world here. I love playing football so when I'm out there I need to enjoy it and do the best I can because I was a long time without it. I missed the Saturday’s, floating around here was tough, so I keep telling myself to appreciate it.”