• Knows what the team has to do against Motherwell
  • Believes players will be judged between now and end of the season given the Black Knight investment
  • Praise for Myziane and the loanees
  • Can see arguments for and against the split

Joe Newell spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' trip to Motherwell - here's all he had to say... 

Tell us about the pre-match huddle...

“We do a huddle in the warm-up and David Gray gives us a little pep talk. It's something that has happened since the manager came in; Dave has took it on.

“For me, when we’re in the changing room before the game and getting ready that’s a bit calmer. But after the warm- up it is a bit more intense and you’re shouting your cliches and enthusiastic lines. You’re getting everyone up for it and making sure everyone knows their jobs as well, which is important."

What are the pep talks like?

“They’re good. Each one is different and specific for that game. That’s separate from the instructions and tactical stuff; maybe because you’re on the pitch it’s a bit more emotional.

“You can build up to the game throughout the week on the training ground but the pep talk just before we go in gets everyone together and that final message from him is motivational."

What's been the message going into this weekend's game?

“We have just got to try and win the game, it’s as simple as that. We do that and great, we will hopefully be in a position to not just make up the numbers, but get in the European spaces and climb up the league. If not, so be it. All we can do is try our hardest."

It could be an open game with Motherwell going for the win - does that suit you?

“Ask me after the game! We have done our analysis on them and how they play. We played them earlier on in the season as well. It’s another style of play and we’ll obviously have our ways to try and counteract that and win the game.

You lost bad goals last week - presumably that's been something you've worked on?

“Definitely. I gave the ball away for one so thanks for reminding me of that! It was a quick counter-attack so that’s something we need to work on, which we have.,

“We know their threats and their pace and power up top and we also lost a goal from a set-piece, which no team is ever happy with. So those are things we have looked at and we’ll try to improve on them."

Imminent changes in the summer with the investment  - are players going be judged hard?

"I'd imagine so. I think whoever the guys are coming in, the guys upstairs, at this stage it's the business end of the season. No matter what happens there will be some good games coming up hopefully.

"But it's not like lads go into different games going, 'I'm going to try harder this week'. We've got a good group here and everyone does always try their hardest. It's a massive one against Motherwell and I'm personally not looking forward to anything more than that. It's a huge game, one that you have to look forward to because these are the games you should enjoy playing."

How good has Myziane Maolida been?

"He's been incredible. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with him. His performances have been very, very good. His work-rate has been good - it's not just on the ball, I appreciate his stuff off the ball as well. He's fitted into the squad really well. He's a great guy.

"It's all been through Ramadan - he's not even been having a drink or food and he's been playing like that. I said to him this week, 'If you're rubbish in training you're just going to have to go back to fasting, mate!' He's been brilliant. All the lads that have come in January, to be honest, have fitted in. They've enjoyed and we've definitely enjoyed having them."

Is it good that the loanees seem to be so invested in the cause?

"That's a good point - it was one of my initial worries because there were a few signings coming in, a couple of loan lads who weren't marquee signings but big names - that's all the worry.

"How committed are they to what we want do as a club? But honestly, they've been brilliant. Their work-rate off the ball, discipline and commitment has been brilliant as well as the quality."

What's your view on the split?

"I can get both arguments. I get one side saying it's not the full season and you should be judged on the end, how can you finish seventh on more points than sixth or possibly fifth. I get that. But then I can get the excitement and the drama it can bring to football fans. I get both sides. It's above my pay grade and position to give a judgment.

"I get both sides of it. We've been fully aware of the consequences all season of it."