• Disappointed by failure to take chances - again
  • Believes players need to treat each game the same whether it's the start, middle, or end of the season
  • Wants to put a smile back on Hibs fans' faces next weekend

Jordan Obita spoke to the media in the aftermath of Hibs' 2-1 defeat by Ross County. Here's all he had to say... 

Can you sum up your emotions when something like that happens so late in a game?

“Yeah, you’re obviously disappointed, especially when you’re coming off a win last week. 
"I thought we played well in the first half and probably should have been three or four goals up but we didn’t take our chances.
“But that’s something we’ve been saying throughout the season.”

Is there a frustration that you just can’t get any momentum going?

“We went 1-0 up and I thought we could try to get another, but like I said, we just didn’t take our chances to try to get two or three-nil up.

“Then they scored, and we were on the back foot a bit because they gained a bit of momentum, and I thought physically we matched them but sometimes - and we’ve said this a lot all season as well - the other team gets a chance and they seem to take it.”

The manager said a lot of players are playing for their futures. Has that been conveyed to the squad?

“Each season you go into you know that some players are in contract, and some are out of contract.

“Every single game you go into, no matter if it’s at the start, the middle, or the end of the season, you should be playing it like it’s your last, and giving everything.”

There are no meaningless games for Hibs but the players have a point to prove don’t they?

“Of course; this is a big club.  You should always play with pride and always want do well.

"Whether you’ve got nothing to play for and three games left, or you’re in the top six pushing for a European slot, you should be playing the game the exact same way.”

You adjusted pretty quickly but what’s it like for new players coming in?

“Even with myself, I probably didn’t realise just how big a club it was until I got here, and I realised straight away. It’s a massive club and the expectations are really high.

“Some of the boys who came in in January came from big clubs in big leagues and I’m sure they’re aware of the expectation that you hit the ground running when you come here. 

“And I think they have, it’s just unfortunate that we’re sometimes not getting the results we deserve, but at full-time it’s the score that matters the most.”

You always go to applaud the fans but how important is it next week when you’re back at Easter Road?

“Our fans are always behind us - sometimes you get grief. but that’s football. After the game we had a chat, and if you lose the game you deserve whatever is said to you.

“But next week we’re back at home and hopefully we can put some smiles back on the faces of our fans.”

Do you need the mentality as well as talent to handle playing for Hibs?

“I think that’s the case in British football in general, whether it’s back in England or whether it’s here.  You’ve got to give 100%. It’s not always about ability. 

"You see some players in lower leagues with lots of quality but they don’t run enough or they’re not physical enough and they don’t make it.

“But, especially in Scotland, I think you have to give everything. And I think that’s what’s most important.”