Martin Boyle spoke to the media ahead of Saturday's trip to Kelty Hearts - here's everything he had to say.

What happened to your wrist?

"Damaged ligaments, as far as I'm aware. It's just precautionary."

Who drew on the cast?! (there's a smiley face on it)

"Malky! He just took me aside. I'm pretty gutted about it, I had it in good nick! I told the girls last week that they could spoil it with a bit of rainbows. He's ruined it but I'm not in a position to say anything, he scares me!"

So far, so good in the League Cup?

"It's been very positive. We're playing very attack-minded football. We're identifying the pace and the power we have there and people are starting to notice the runs that we are making. We are playing on the front foot. We're pressing teams and winning the second balls. We're scoring a lot of goals.

The team have kept on pressing for goals even after going a few up, is that mindset coming from the manager?

"We aim to win every game and we want to instil that winning mentality early in the season. The opposition will rise in standard when we start the league but if we can that winning feeling and take in as many goals as we can ... you can only beat what's in front of you and there's potential banana skins in there, but it's a competition that a couple of years ago we never qualified in so we're taking it very seriously."

What has the manager done to stamp his authority in pre-season?

"I've obviously seen a lot of managers. I think it's the standards, what it means to play for this club. He's been here a long time, he was the captain. I played with him. I still find it hard to call him gaffer. I consider him as a really good friend. He's very demanding, he's driven and very respected around here. He's got a gameplan and he has that style of play where he likes his wingers out on the touchline. He likes to attack and have players staying high up the field. Everyone's definitely striving in the same direction that he wants to go."

He's asked you to be a leader, how are you finding it?

"I'm trying! Like I've said before, I'm not the most vocal but I'll help in any way. I like to drive the team with my own performances and standards. If I can keep them really high throughout the season, hopefully I can drive a lot of people on and show by example."

Can you make a difference in training, in terms of helping the younger players?

"I'm at the age now where I'm very approachable. I'm not going to turn anyone away if they need any advice. If there's any tips I can give someone, I will. Speaking to Rudi Molotnikov, he's young and learning his trade. He's such a talent. The more confident he can get, the more he can progress. I'll put a little arm around him and give him more encouragement. He's flying at the moment.  As long as I can do my bit and focus on my own performances, we're in a good place."

What stands out about Rudi?

“His build. He’s a raw talent, has pace and can use both feet. You saw his finishing ability against Queen’s Park and his range of passing. He has ability in abundance and it’s up to him to strive for more. He has taken a lot of information on which is good. He is working hard and has made the shirt his own at the moment.”

He was in and around it at times last season, what's been the difference in him since coming back for pre-season?

“He’s come in and the gaffer has given him the opportunity and he’s grabbed it. He’s look sharp in training and has that finishing instinct. He loves to get at players, gets people off their seats and obviously we have to keep encouraging that. He’s a young boy and will make mistakes. But he’s brave and at that age it’s great. Hopefully he can have a fantastic career.”

As a senior player, what do you want to see in a youngster coming through?

“Just listen to what the manager has to say, listen to the staff, keep your head down and work hard. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. When I was young and coming through I probably gave the ball away 90 times in a game. Neil Lennon said just keep doing what you’re doing, getting on the ball and being as positive as you can and everything will fall into place. He’s broke through way younger than I was and it’s fantastic to see the younger generation coming through, hopefully there’s more to follow.”

What's he like off the park?

“He’s quite quiet around the place, the lads have taken a shine to him. He’s hard working and lives and breathes the club. He mostly mixes with the youth team at the moment but as the season goes on he will be integrated more into the first team dressing room and hopefully he shines for us.”

Read more:

David Gray - still a friend or now just the gaffer?

“When I spoke to him when he got the job I asked what I was to call him - is it Dave or gaffer? Since then there’s been a fine sheet introduced that if you call him Dave or mate you get fined a tenner! I’ve paid out quite a bit in the last month! He’s been around the place for so long.  The fine system is in and his demands are there and we’re all listening and striving in the direction he wants to go in and hopefully we can keep doing that."

He'll know what it's like having been there as a player...

"He’s been through it all, he’s been through what I’ve been through and we’ve been here pretty much the same time. He’s taken that step, which is perfect and the trust he has in me and the trust I have in him - he is getting the best out of me and I’m always grateful to him. He will be a great manager I’ve no doubt about that.

Have you been practicing bicycle kicks?

Yeah, at home with the girls I set up the gymnastic mat, just practice bicycle kicks, I just do that in my spare time. My daughter’s just started gymnastics, I told her the other morning when she woke up that I did a backflip and she never believed me. She’s hard to please, a five-year old. She found it funny, it was just one of those instinct moments in football that I can add to what I’ve achieved so far."

Was that the real story behind the wrist?

No! I hope not, the manager would kill me. A slight fall in the game against PAOK, nothing disastrous and it’s not stopped me from playing. I’ve got this cast on for a little bit longer."