Lewis Miller spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' trip to St Mirren for their Scottish Premiership opener. Here's everything he had to say...

How important is it the team hits ground running after last season?

“Obviously last season we didn’t hit expectations and where we wanted to be. But, as you’ve seen in the past few games and pre-season we’ve been flying. So, it’s just a matter of keeping that momentum and carry on to the start of the season.”

You're up against a team who are playing in Europe – is that where Hibs should be?

“Of course. We’re a big club and we all thought we’d have that expectation of playing in Europe. We’d played there the year before and done quite well. So, obviously it was disappointing we didn’t make it. Yes, St Mirren are playing in Europe – and that’s going to give us that bit more energy and fight to kind of to prove to everyone we should be there and we will get there this season.”

Everyone must feel like they've got a point to prove after taking so much criticism last season...

“There’s always criticism in football. But, based on how big this club is we’re always expected to do well. I think we have the squad depth, I think we have the right management and I think we’re going to go far this season. What we do is for the fans. At the end of the day, they’re here to watch week in week out and we want to make them proud to represent this club. We’re going to give everything we can for them. But not only for them, ourselves as well. We didn’t hit expectations last season, so this season we’re here to prove everyone wrong – and show that we can be where we’re supposed to be.”

Are you just desperate for the new league season to start?

“I went back home to Australia and I was kind of in rehab because I was injured. Look, it was good time off, good time for the boys to refresh, get their heads set for this season. We’ve all come in and we look bright, sharp. And I am very excited to see what’s to come. You need to take on board yourself, you need to prove as an individual that you can play at the top level. And especially at a club like this, it’s a privilege to be in this position – and we’re not going to take it for granted.”

Do you believe there’s more to come from you?

“Of course, I feel like I’m a broken record, I keep saying the same things. But injuries have always got to me in the past two years. So it’s just a case of maintaining my body and showing the form I’m in at the minute and take the league by shock. I know I’ve got the potential, I know I can do that, I know I can compete with the very best. So, that’s the plan this year and also to end as high up in the table as possible. I was chasing European football and when Hibs came knocking on my door – big club, big ambitions – I thought it was the perfect place.”

Considering you've had injuries, getting a full pre-season in must help, psychologically...

“Being injury free and having a smooth pre-season is always mentally kind of clearing for you before the season starts. Obviously, I’ve got a minutes now in my legs and I feel more ready, more prepared than ever. It’s just a matter of staying in the right lane, doing everything by the book, staying fit and healthy for the full season.”

You've notched a couple of goals already...

“Hopefully there are more goals to come. That was beautiful last game, eh? I was chasing a hat-trick, I was shooting from everywhere! In those games, all the pressure and expectation is on us. But the way we carried things out in that game, it was a real professional performance. We stuck to our programme, to our way of playing and we got the job done. Clean sheet and four goals…you can’t really complain, can you?”

Is there added motivation to do well because of who the manager is?

“He’s a great figure for the club and on top of that he’s a great guy and great gaffer. He understands the league, the players – he’s played with some of them – and I think that experience on his shoulders, we have a young team, will serve us well. It’s just going to boost our performances – and I think he’s the perfect man for the job.”

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How quickly has he been able to implement what he wants from everyone?

"The first pre-season, you get used to his philosophy and how he wants to play. And he made it very clear how he wants to play – sharp, intense, individual instructions to a few players. And obviously he can especially help me out because he was a right back too. So, he’s been a great role model for me and for a lot of the other players. We’re all very pleased with him and the environment he’s created at the club so far.”

Does him being a former right-back a good thing for you?

“Of course. We all know what he’s done for the club and having an experienced shoulder like that to help me individually is just going to increase my game through the roof. It’s just a matter of listening to him, taking everything on board and going out there and killing it.”