Head coach David Gray spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' Premiership clash with Celtic at Easter Road on Sunday. Here's everything he had to say...

Was there an urgency to make signings after the defeat last week?

"These players have been identified for a while and we've been working hard towards it. From the outside I can understand why you'd ask that question but not at all, we've been pushing it all the time. Would I have liked them all earlier? One hundred per cent, but circumstances dictate that. The process has been quite slow right across football - we were tied to what we could do at the time. What I would say on it is that I'm delighted to have the additions we've got in. I'm delighted with where we are at the moment and my full focus is on getting the best out of them."

How close is Kieron Bowie to playing?

"He's another one we're assessing all the time. He's been back training for three-to-four weeks so he's got a base in him. He has done pre-season training. He's slightly different to Nicky, he's been without a club for a bit, so at least Kieron has got that bank of training in him. He's probably not played as many minutes as he would like and because England is a couple of weeks behind, they are slightly different to us. But he's kept himself in good shape and we'll monitor the situation. We won't be taking any risks with players but we want to be as competitive as we can be."

What qualities of his do you like?

"When someone goes from Scotland down south, they always catch your eye. He did really well. And when we've had younger players in Scotland set-up, he's someone we've been aware of as young talent coming through. When he went out on loan last season, that's when I really noticed him. I thought he did really well - his pace and power causes teams a lot of problems from different positions. He can play right across the front three. He can play on his own or part of a two. To have that flexibility at such a young age is great but he's also got the attitude that he'll play anywhere you ask him to play. If you ask him, he'll want to be the out-and-out number nine, that's what forwards and strikers want to do in the middle scoring goals, but he's demonstrated that he can do it from numerous positions. That's the type of boy he is, the type of character we want to bring here."

Was it a hard one to get over the line?

"I’m delighted we’ve managed to do it, the club have supported us on it and it’s been a collective. We’re all working in the same direction and I’m delighted with the support and backing I’ve had to get it across the line. Since I’ve been on this side of the fence, the generosity from the Gordon family especially to constantly back managers I think you can see that in terms of trying to provide players. I’ve felt nothing but support and I’m delighted with that, the structure we’ve got at the minute, especially with Malky helping as well. I firmly believe the process in place and the structure that’s there now gives me a real chance to be successful and gets the club to where it needs to be, which is competing at the top of the league."

A £600,000 fee for Bowie, is there still money to spend?

"We’re constantly looking to try and strengthen the squad if something comes up, and we are working hard to do that. It depends, it can change all the time. We know we need to be proactive and be ready that if something happens you are able to adjust and react to that.  The backing and support from the club has been fantastic."

You mention the new boys all being able to do different roles, has versatility been a focus of the recruitment?

“Yeah. It probably goes back to what I’ve already touched on about the need to be flexible because of the different challenges you face in this league. I don’t believe there’s a right way to play, or having a fixed mindset on how you want to play. It’s important to be flexible. But also you have to understand your plan A might not work, so you need a plan B, and can you do that? With versatile players you can tweak the shape without having to make a sub. That does appeal to me. It’s important, in this league, to have as many options as you can. Coaching the players into doing that can give you an upper hand at times, and you use it when you can."

How valuable can Junior Hoilett's experience be for the young players?

“If I even take his quality out of it, just talking about him as a character having had conversations with him, what he’ll actually bring is being a mentor type. Everyone I’ve spoken to about him has had nothing but high praise. He’s someone who’s come in and see that young players can look up to him. He sits well with the young players, he’s already speaking to them. He’s played at the highest level so he’s a good mentor for younger ones coming through. If you look at him from a technical quality point of view, I was really impressed with what he did at Aberdeen. He was a big part of how successful they were towards the end of the season, his numbers show you that. It also shows you his level of professionalism that he’s still playing at the highest level in international football and has the appetite. To be able to bring someone in with that calibre, professionalism and experience can only be good for the group, especially when we have a lot of younger forward-thinking players. Rudi made his first start in the league at the weekend, Kieron Bowie and Josh Campbell are still young. They’re all players still trying to get to the highest level they can and Junior has been there and done, so there’s no better type of people to bring in to help the young players along the way."

What's the biggest change you need to make from playing St Mirren to playing Celtic? They are two good sides but in different ways...

“It’s a tough test, but it’s an exciting test. Especially with new players coming in, there’s better way to try and get a reaction and test yourself against the best team in the league last season. I fully expect them to be up there again for obvious reasons – the way they’ve started and the players they’ve got. It’s a proper test, a proper challenge. It should be one they’re excited by. I’m excited by it, testing myself against an elite manager who has managed at the highest level. But it’s also the occasion, I know how good Easter Road can be. If we can start the game properly, play the way we want, affect the game positively, then the fans will get right behind us. It’s live on the TV, there’s no better way to right the wrongs of last week."