Head coach David Gray spoke to the media after Hibs' 2-2 draw with Dundee. Here's everything he had to say...

You spoke last week about individual errors being costly, how much did that apply again today?

“Listen, I think it’s clear for everyone to see the areas we need to improve. It’s very clear. One thing we can’t keep doing is having to score three, four, five goals to win a game of football.

“I’m not shying from that at all. It’s a collective responsibility, it’s not an individual. It’s something we all need to be better at.”

The crowd here can be unrelenting when things aren't going well, do you feel you almost have to win them over, and does that make things doubly difficult?

“No, I think that’s just part of being a football player. You have to deal with it, the expectation of playing for a club of this size. You need to be big enough to deal with it, as a team and individually.

“It’s all part of it. I’ve been here when it’s been really, really good, so I know how good it can be, and you need to remember that. But it’s about looking at ourselves and where we can improve. We all know the areas we need to do that."

What was the thinking behind the changes, to shore the game up?

“It depends which one you’re talking about If you’re looking at the game as a whole, we started poorly again with a poor goal conceded. After that, we looked shaky but we got ourselves back into it.

“The timing of that goal was really important and it made my team talk much easier. Listen, we can be miles better but we were still in the game.

“The response after half-time was great, we’re on the front foot and I made the triple sub around the 60 minute mark to try and go to win the game. I felt it was there to be done.

“We go from a goal down to 2-1 up, and I feel the subs impacted the game in a positive way. I don’t think we dealt with Simon Murray’s physical presence throughout the game. He was a constant threat.

“They went nothing to lose, bringing on Curtis Main and we had to deal with that physical presence again. That was the rationale behind making the change late on in the game.

“Myko had run his race at centre-forward, so the mindset behind the change was to get more pressure on the ball, go almost man for man so that you can get that pressure on the ball.

“On reflection, when you lose a goal late in the game it’s very easy to say it’s to do with that, but it’s not directly to do with anything other than its poor goal we lose again.”

Is concentration the issue? They seemed to switch off as Simon Murray ran in behind...

“Simon was a constant threat. It was nothing new and nothing we didn’t expect from him. The areas where we need to improve are clear to see. We need to be better defensively."

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Were there signs of encouragement for you?

“It’s our first point so it’s much better than it has been. We were 1-0 down and went 2-1 up, so that was a great reaction. We earned that lead, we were much more positive in the second half and that was more like us. That’s why I have mixed emotions but it’s clear where we have to improve and the hard work starts immediately."

Kieron took his goal well...

“It’s great to bring players on like Kieron. He’s a physical presence, he looks fitter and sharper. As the days and weeks go, he will get stronger and that’s a positive moving forward."

Late goals became a big talking point last season, how keen are you to stop it becoming an issue again?

“We are losing early and late goal but last season is the past. It’s a new squad and a new way of working. We are losing too many goals in general and we have to address that very quickly, We can’t have to score that many goals to win a game and the responsibility for that falls on myself, first and foremost, to get a reaction."

Are you expecting to do much business this week?

“I have been consistent. While the window is open, we will always look to improve if something comes up and the club are in a position to do it. They have been supportive of me and I am very grateful. If someone comes up who can make us better and we can do it, then we will try. At the same time, I expect there to be players going out too. The squad is a bit heavy and players might become available, so we have to be ready to react."