Sunshine On Leith blasted out the Easter Road PA system while club legends Paul Hanlon and Lewis Stevenson took in the appreciation of the support as time finally caught up with them. It was an emotional moment, stopping the lump in the throat that had first appeared as the pair left the field in injury time from disappearing.

Last night felt very much like the end of something and the start of something new. It helped that we won, of course. A 3-0 win with goals from Boyle and Maolida (from the penalty spot after Lewis had steadfastly and amusingly refused to take the kick) and Motherwell refusing to spoil the party by doing something stupid like scoring, made for a very pleasant evening all in.

The decision to relieve Nick Montgomery of his duties on Tuesday certainly lifted the mood around the place. It was the right decision, Sunday’s defeat to Aberdeen and the way that the team collapsed after Aberdeen’s opener, had to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You could tell in the post-match interviews following the defeat that Montgomery had run out of road and out of ideas. Of course, it’s never nice to see someone lose their job, and there is no question that Montgomery and his backroom team gave everything they could to the job. There is no escaping that results and performances ultimately trump endeavour in this industry, and I don’t think Montgomery can have too many complaints over the decision.

It now means that we start our search for a new head coach, and that search will be led by the club’s new sporting director, Malky Mackay. It’s fair to say his appointment provoked a strong reaction from the Hibs community, with Block Seven, Hibees Pride, and the Hibernian Women Supporter’s Association releasing statements condemning the appointment on the back of Whatsapp messages sent or exchanged by Mackay whilst at Cardiff City that were racist, sexist, and homophobic.

The reaction is understandable – the messages were abhorrent and there is no room for that in modern society, nor in football. In the wake of Hibs, Ross County, and the Police acting against a supporter for racist shouting, you can see why some supporters were calling hypocrisy.

That said, there has to be room in society for rehabilitation and second chances. You don’t have to spend long searching to find multiple accounts of Mackay apologising for his actions, along with commendations from anti-racism groups for his actions since. For me, it’s up to Mackay to prove himself now.

I would like Hibs to have been transparent about the recruitment process, however. It’s clear that Malky has the credentials to make him a suitable fit for the role and even though there isn’t any evidence to suggest it influenced Hibs’ decision, his existing friendship with chairman Malcolm McPherson means the optics aren’t great. Who else was considered and ruled out? Some transparency around the process would be good to alleviate any concerns - as would hearing from Ben Kensell or Ian Gordon about the events of the last few days; from Nick Montgomery’s dismissal to Mackay’s appointment, it would be good to see that sort of strong leadership from those at the top of the club.

READ MORE: Why Hibs board backs Kensell - and what Mackay can bring

With the season almost at an end, and with an era-ending event last night, now feels like a great time to draw a line in the sand with the negativity that’s clouded the club this season and to start to look forward to better times ahead. This really is an opportunity for a fresh start where anything is possible.

Finally, thank you Lewis and Paul for the fantastic memories, heartbreaks, and history making successes that you’ve given us over the years. Your names will forever be etched in Hibernian history and it’s hard to think of two better guys to have associated with the club. It’s been a privilege watching you both.