David Gray spoke to the media after Hibs' 3-2 friendly defeat to Watford at Easter Road. Here's everything the head coach had to say...

Your thoughts on the game, a good runout to get boys some minutes?

"Yes, it's a massive box ticked in terms of getting minutes into the boys. Obviously, you don't want to lose games of football, however, that's not something you want to become a habit. So that's something that I'm obviously disappointed with, but the actual run out for the players, the minutes into the legs again for ones that needed it, even in addition to some of the younger ones coming in, done really well. Really pleased with them and how they handled that occasion against a good side. But the full focus has always been about Saturday and today, that's why we treated the game the way we did, with the 2.45 minutes, making it as close to what we would normally do on a training day as possible.

Harry McKirdy's first goal at Easter Road, how much will that help his confidence?

"Yes, I'm sure it will. I've said about Harry already, coming back pre-season, he's been really bright, really working hard, trying to get himself back into where we believe he can be. It hasn't quite worked out for him since he first joined the club, but we know what's in there. He is working hard every single day, he's been really positive, not had as much minutes in pre-season. We have a little niggle that he's had and we've been managing his load a little bit because of that. But it's great to see him get on the score sheet tonight and I'm sure he'll take loads of confidence from it."

No Josef Bursik again tonight, do you expect him to be back at the weekend or even the first league game?

"Definitely, because of the situation it was more just precaution than anything else. We didn't want to aggravate that. He'll be available for the weekend."

How's Elie Youan? We saw him wearing a leg brace...

"Yes, he's another one. All the injuries to be fair aren't too far away, which is great. He's progressing but as a precautionary he's going to be  a couple of weeks. So it's just something we're monitoring and assessing all the time with him."

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What did you think of Luke Amos' performance? He's another who's struggled with injuries...

"Yes, he was another one, pleased tonight with how he played. I thought he was aggressive, on the front foot, trying to win the ball back and the positions he takes up. He's a real good football player. He's another one who had a bit of a stop-start with injuries like you just touched on there. But he came right through pre-season and we need to keep upping his minutes as much as we can. And if we can get him to that level, I'm sure he'll be a real asset for us."

Obviously, you'll be well aware of the comments from Bill Foley this week. What did you make of all that?

"I've got enough going on with what happened at the weekend in terms of results. And where we are in. my job is fully focused on preparing the team as best I can to make sure we do what we can do on the pitch. The hierarchy at the football club, that's all above my head. And I need to concentrate fully on what I'm trying to do every single day. And what I do know is I've went through the process and been given this opportunity because the club believed I was the right man to take it forward. And I firmly believe in my ability to be able to do that. It's up to me now to go and demonstrate that."