Hibs head coach David Gray spoke to the media ahead of the transfer deadline and Sunday's Scottish Premiership clash with Kilmarnock - here's everything he had to say.

Where are you at with transfers heading towards the deadline?

“We’re still working hard. The message is very clear. We’re trying to see if there is anything to be done that makes us better - and we’ll try to do it. We’re delighted with the work already done. But while this window is open, we’ll be as active as possible. If we can strengthen, we will. There are numerous conversations happening all the time. And it’s changing all the time."

So there is dialogue with players moving on as well as coming in?

“Yeah, there’s both. There is work going on. It just depends on where they are at the moment."

Is it frustrating to be 24 hours from the end of the window and there's still lots to be done?

“That’s just part of it. You see it every single time. It’s the first time I’ve been involved in this capacity – but I’ve seen it under every manager I’ve worked under. It’s been a slower window because of the international tournaments. People start to look at targets, people become available cause one club signs three or four, there are bloated squads, all sorts of variables. If something comes up, or if something comes up for one of our players that we’re not expecting, we have to be ready."

Is there still live interest in Luke McCowan?

“I’m not going to talk about any individuals. He’s a Dundee player – and continues to be. That’s where we are with that one."

If the window closed now would you be content?

“If it was to close now, you can’t affect that. There would be nothing I could do about it. You can only control the things you can control."

Are you comfortable the squad you have as it stands can meet your expectations?

“ Yeah we've seen it already. Boys are getting fitter, getting stronger. We’re not quite there. But the group is going in the right direction, we know results need to get better but there's positivity within the group."

What qualities are you looking for in any further recruits?

“We’ve already seen it with the recruits we’ve already brought in. The first thing we talk about is the character of people. I’ve been really strong on that. We’ve seen that. The other thing is technical quality. You have to bring players in who will make you better. I’ve seen that in training. A prime example is Junior Hoilett, with so much experience. Then you see a young player like Kieron Bowie with a desire to be the best they can be and wants to fight with everybody every single day to try and compete to be that type of player.

“And then you've got the more senior ones that have been here already with Joe Newell and guys like that, that drive the standard. So it's about putting it all together to collectively get that formula right, is what we're trying to do all the time. The players we've already brought in and the players who we would add, they'd have to be technically better than what we've got or at least have attributes that we're missing in the squad to improve the group."

Are you looking forward to a first deadline day as a head coach?

“I think the deadline day has been going on for as long as the window has been open. Once that closes, you've got what you've got and it's up to you to try and get the best out of that. As I say, the club have been very supportive right from the start. Since the minute I've came in, the players we've brought in and the backing we've had, I'm very grateful for that. And as I've already said, they're continuing to support us as long as we feel it's the right thing for everyone involved. My job, most importantly, is looking forward to the game on Sunday."

Supporters will wake up tomorrow looking for new faces – can you give a rough idea of numbers?

“To be honest, I can't give you that. I think you'll always have that. I remember it even as when I played. I remember sitting watching the deadline day as a player, wondering if they're going to sign another right back who's going to be better than me. Everyone's going to be sitting doing that. The players will be sitting looking, wondering what we're going to do. Fans are sitting with expectations, saying are we going to do anything else? And it changes all the time. The process is what it is. We're working as hard as we can. If something happens, we need to be proactive for ins and outs. And I think that's the way it's going to be."

Jake Doyle-Hayes hasn’t played for over a year now, where is he at?

“He’s fit. That's one thing I would say about the whole squad now. They're not match fit. There's a big difference there between being fit and being match fit. But actually we've got no real injury concerns. Everybody's on the grass every day now.
“He's just catching up on fitness. He's just not quite with the players in front of him at the moment that are available. But in terms of the actual squad, from a physical point of view, from a physio's point of view, everyone is fit and available."

As a manager, is it tough for a player like Jake? Do you have to go and have a chat with him and just check he's alright?

“100 per cent. But these are conversations you have with players daily. Just to make sure everything is alright.
“He's had a difficult time with injuries over the past 18 months with him. But we're in constant conversations to see where he's at. And he's working as hard as he can to get himself back to the level."

Do you think we'll see him in a Hibs jersey in the next few weeks?

“That's changing all the time. One thing he is, is he's getting fitter and stronger every day. And he's got a good attitude towards it, which is all you can ask for. And it's our job as coaches to try and improve him all the time as well.
“I don't want to put a timescale on that. That will be depending on how everything keeps progressing."

Could Elie Youan or Junior Hoilett potentially come in this weekend?

“ As I've already said, in terms of physically, they're fit as in not on the treatment table anymore. They are back on the grass training with the players, which is great to integrate them back in. Whether or not they're ready to go and perform match minutes at this weekend might be a bit soon. But it's something that they've trained this morning and we'll see how they react to that. There's still a few days before the weekend and we'll just see where we go there.”

What do you expect from Elie if he's still a Hibs player by the weekend?

“If Ellie’s still here on Saturday morning, I would expect him to fully understand that he's still a Hibs player and it's in his best interest to be the best he can be. You see that every day in training.
“He loves his football, he loves training and he's probably one of the best athletes I’ve worked with. I think he's got everything when it comes to that point of view. One thing he always wants to do is be the best he can be. Even when he was injured, he was doing extra in the gym, he does extra in the training pitch every day “He's great to work with from that point of view."

How have you found being a head coach at the sharp end of a transfer window for the first time?

“It's been good. I think it's something else that you have to add to your daily things that are happening around the club. I’m fortunate with the structure that's currently here. I've got a lot of experience beside me as well. With Malky coming in and the guys like Ben and Ian that are working ever so hard along with the recruitment department that's there. Everyone's pulling in the same direction to try and identify the targets as early as we can and work towards doing what's right for the club. I've enjoyed that side to it because there is a responsibility. Previously I would get asked my opinion on players for example but that's just what it was.

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“It was just your opinion whereas now you're in the decision making where it really matters when you're bringing these players to what orders are building or asking players to move on or whatever it might be.
“I wouldn’t say it’s a question of whether I’m enjoying it or not enjoying it. think it's just part of being the manager and being in that position and knowing it needs to be done because you want to improve the squad every single day. That's either with bringing players in but also working with the players I've got. That's something I really focus on which is the players that are in the building every day. It's my job to get the best out of them. How do I make them better? How does the rest of the coaching staff make them better? That's my full focus. The fact that I've got good people around about me to help me with that is definitely an advantage for me especially the first time in this position."

When do you get involved in a transfer, for example?

“Very early. You're always looking at the squad. You're always looking at variables. If we were to move, where would you like to strengthen? I think that's just natural.
“ It happens all the time. Then it's about putting the process of identifying targets positionally. What you're looking for from a profile point of view. It's a process that goes on for a very long time. It's not as simple as I want a left back, just go and sign the first left back. There's a lot of hard work that goes into it and there's a lot of variables within that as well. It's something I'm learning all the time but I've probably enjoyed that side to it because of the added responsibility and knowing that we need to get it right.

How often does phone go at home?

“I'd probably better ask my missus that question because I hate my phone normally! She's trying to phone me and I never answer it. I’m terrible for not getting back to people normally. I've obviously had to change that. Previously I used to come to work, go home, turn the phone off and come to work the next day. Even as a player that was what I was like. My mates would text me and I'd get back to them three or four days later. They’d just think I was being my usual miserable self! You can't really get away with that now. I have to get back to people. I have to make sure that you're keeping people in the loop. It's rude, for a start. I'm aware of that. That's probably been the biggest change in my life. You have to return people's phone calls and get back to people and tell people your opinion and what actually matters. That's probably been the biggest change. My missus will probably be watching saying you still don't answer the phone to me."

You mentioned variables in the transfer window - has that been one of the biggest things stepping into this, being prepared for things to change quickly?

“100%. You think you're somewhere with something and then all of a sudden a variable comes in where he's no longer available or a different club do something completely different or no longer wants to come or they might get injured. There's all sorts of things within that that changes all the time. That's the whole point of what I'm saying now which is about being proactive as you can. You can't just have one target because that could change at any time. You need to be proactive. You also need to be ready that if you were to lose a player for whatever reason, have we got the resources there available to find a replacement quickly? Firstly I would always look at is there someone already in the building that can do that job? Is there someone in the academy that can step up to make that jump up? Because that's what you want to do. You want to recruit from within. You want to improve the younger players. That's when the process will start to make sure you're doing your due diligence and making sure everyone's pulling in the same direction."

How pleased were you for Kieron Bowie getting a Scotland U-21 call-up?

“That’s good. He'll have games when he's away which will be good for him. I'm happy with him. I'm happy with all the new players that have come in. Their attitude and effort every day as I've already touched on getting stronger. They missed a bit of pre-season so it will do them good to get some more game time as well. But my full focus now is trying to get them in the best physical shape possible for a huge game for us at the weekend.”