Marvin Ekpiteta spoke to the media ahead of Hibs' home game against Motherwell - here's all the centre-back had to say... 

Marvin, how would you reflect on your first couple of months playing in Scottish football?

"It's been a big change, I'd say. I didn't think it would be as big of a change, and time had to adapt quite a bit. But I feel like I've grown into it after the first couple of games. I'm really enjoying it now."

What were the biggest challenges for you?

"I'd say the work rate. A lot of the teams don't give you any time at all, man. They're just on it, for the whole game. I'd say that's the biggest change from last season. And obviously playing against Celtic, they're just a different level. I didn't realise how good they actually were until I played against them. That was a big wake-up call. It was actually good playing them so early to get that out of the way, and then we can build on playing against other teams."

It's a compact league compared to down south, do you think that contributes?

"Yeah, definitely. It seems like everyone feels like they can beat everyone in this league. You can see some teams at the top and you can't really judge who's going to be better. It's definitely different compared to down south, where you have a lot of the bigger teams and the smaller teams and they sort of sit off you. But here, everyone just goes for it, really. So you go to a place like Celtic Park and there's a lot of expectation that you can come away with a result there."

How confident are the guys that you can start getting results together?

"100 per cent. Even against Rangers, we played really well. I feel like we should have definitely got something from the game. So it's nice to build off that and obviously beat St Johnstone before that. It would be nice to back up a good performance last week to get something tomorrow."

You lost to Rangers, but as you say, it was a pretty strong team performance...

"Yeah, definitely. It's helped the boys massively. It's a big boost. Even the new players coming in, the squad's getting a lot stronger now. There's so many good competition to fight for your place now. So it is really good. It's a lot of confidence for the boys."

Is there a chance to build a little bit of momentum now? 

"Yeah, definitely. It's a big opportunity for us really to get three points. Like I said, we had a decent game against Dundee. We should have won that, then we beat St Johnstone. So we're definitely confident going into this game." 

You were going through that teething spell at the start of the season. Did you draw on lessons you'd learned earlier in your career or were there people here that helped you through it? 

"I'd say it's a bit of both. Lessons from before, just sort of stripping it back all the way and just going back to what I do best. I have a good family around me, good support systems and especially the manager as well. He pulled me and said to me that he has confidence in me. He knows what I can do and just to get back to doing what I do, what he knows I can do and that really helped me massively."

Do you feel it took a little bit of time to recover from that start to the season?

"I think any player at any level, any age, it does shake you a bit. But then you've just got to look at the bigger picture and where you want to go. Once you get over that hurdle, you're fine, which I have been since."

How big was it when the gaffer pulled you in to reassure you that he has that confidence in you? 

"It was massive because I've never actually had a manager do that with me in this situation before. He definitely gave me that extra confidence that he knows I can do it, he believes in me. And then just to repay him really for still having faith in me and still playing me. It was massive."

When you say Scottish football was a bit of a shock to the system, was it one particular game? 

"The first Celtic game was really a big shock. And then playing them again away the next week, you go into the game thinking, 'Yeah, we could get something here' and then they just score so quickly and they're just out of nowhere. So that was definitely a big shock, those two games. It's good to get them both done and out of the way early and then look forward to the other games."

How do you find adjusting to adjusting to playing the likes of Celtic - a Champions League team - one week, then the next week it's a different level? How are you adjusting to the changes in styles? 

"I feel like Celtic and Rangers, you go into those games as the underdog,  so it's a different mindset, but then going into the other games, we feel like we should be winning them. So it does take time to adjust to. But, yeah, it's been alright so far. I feel like we've got that balance as a team. And the boys, we've got a lot of boys that have played in this league for a while now, so they can help the new boys. The balance is good."

How do you feel your partnership with Warren O'Hora is developing?

"It's definitely growing, getting better and better. I guess even me and Warren and with Joe Bursik, the keeper, learning what each of us are good at, what we're not so good at, what we need more help with in certain areas. It's definitely improving and growing. And as you can see, the results have been picking up and the performances have been picking up as well. So it's proven that it's working."

Do you feel that you have attributes that complement each other? 

"Yeah, 100%. I like to give him the ball and let him do all the, I tell him to do all the fancy stuff, all the pretty stuff. And I'll do all the dirty work!"

 Joe and Warren have both mentioned the closeness of the back three... 

"Yeah, we sit right next to each other in the dressing room. So we do always bounce off of each other, different ideas. We keep learning together, and we keep growing together."

I suppose even if you win to nil in the game, it's the nil that matters...

"Yeah, to us three, that's the main thing, the important thing!"

 Having that good relationship off the pitch, that must make things easier on it, too...

"Yeah, definitely. Even just sitting next to each other in the changing room, that definitely helps. Because just talking about other stuff, not just football, just life in general, it does help. And especially since all three of us have moved up from down south together, so that we have that in common as well. And that just brings us closer, I'd say."

Have you settled well up here?

"Yeah, yeah, I've settled nicely now. I've been with the wife and kids, so, yeah, it's been good."